The Gouged Eye - Orc Blood Bowl Team

The Gouged Eye - Orc Blood Bowl Team
The Gouged Eye - Orc Blood Bowl Team
The Gouged Eye - Orc Blood Bowl Team
The Gouged Eye - Orc Blood Bowl Team
The Gouged Eye - Orc Blood Bowl Team
The Gouged Eye - Orc Blood Bowl Team
The Gouged Eye - Orc Blood Bowl Team
The Gouged Eye - Orc Blood Bowl Team
The Gouged Eye - Orc Blood Bowl Team
The Gouged Eye - Orc Blood Bowl Team
The Gouged Eye - Orc Blood Bowl Team
The Gouged Eye - Orc Blood Bowl Team

Games Workshop

$34.00 $40.00

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We are Orcs and dat’s no lie
We’ll make yoo screem an’ make yoo cry…

Once a laughing stock, the Gouged Eye has employed filthy tactics, brute force and lots of punching to rise through the ranks to become big players in the upper echelons of Blood Bowl. They’ve won the title before, and they can do it again – a far cry from the early days of the team, when it was a miracle if their throwers were facing the right way.

We’ll pull yore hair and pinch yore thigh…

This box contains 12 ‘orrible plastic Orc Blood Bowl players – 2 blitzers, 2 throwers, 2 Black Orc blockers and 6 linemen. Supplied with extra balls, team counters, a decal sheet covered in Orc symbols and 12 32mm Blood Bowl round bases, featuring holes to slot the ball into when your miniature has possession.

And if dat don’t work, we’ll gouge your eye!