


$12.40 $15.50

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Berserkers are a ragtag collection of the most crazed, psychotic, homicidal maniacs present in the armies of the most savage of Resistance warlords. Often, they go to war in a drug crazed red haze, intent on nothing but the glorious release of murderous gluttony. Sometimes, they are simply those who have looked oblivion in the face one too many times and chosen to scream back rather than break down in despair. Whatever the cause of their lust for slaughter, Berserkers are unusual and terrifying in that they are equipped only with close combat weapons.

They find killing by hand and in person far more satisfying than the cold efficiency of ranged combat. Any brutal tool will do for these maniacs, although particularly messy weapons such as chainsaws, mining tools and clubs seem in vogue more than anything else. Berserkers are usually as careless with their own lives as they are merciless to the enemy; perhaps they just want their own personal daemons to claim them from their living nightmares. For whatever reason, a building in which Berserkers have been plying their trade is usually a charnel house of gore, body parts and shattered bones, bereft of all life save the flies.

Rules for this unit can be found in Reconquest: Phase 1


4 x Berserker stands per blister
Base Size: 45mm x 22mm
10mm Scale
Five Pewter figures and one base each
Models supplied unassembled and unpainted